A Long Way From Warsaw is a novel that tells the story of Poland in World War II through the eyes and experiences of the fictional Nowak family living in Warsaw. I’m interested in the way that ordinary people are forced into extraordinary circumstances when confronted with traumatic events, such as war. Although the family in my story is fictional, what happens to them happened to many such people in Poland during this turbulent time.Continue Reading
Small Eden by Jane Davis
A new novel by Jane Davis is always welcome. Set in the 19th century, her tenth novel, Small Eden, is a beautifully evoked story about grief, loss, and the redemptive power of creation.Continue Reading
My Favourite Books of 2021
It’s been another great year for reading, but also for listening. I’m now a firm convert to audiobooks, especially for non-fiction. Here are some of the books I’ve enjoyed most this year.Continue Reading
My Top Reads of 2020
Well, what a year it’s been! What else was there to do except stay home, try to write some words and read lots of books?Continue Reading